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Facebook out with its New Digital Marketing Service Trump Card

Facebook out with its New Digital Marketing Service Trump Card

Me: Hey Siri, What’s the most trending topic of the day?

Siri: Facebook pay to be the new payment system for Whatsapp, Instagram, Facebook and Messenger.

Voila! Facebook is here with another smart marketing move!

It’s a no brainer that Facebook’s plan to gain dominance and remind users that it is the umbrella under which the services of it’s companies operate  has become prominent ever since the talks of merging the messaging infrastructure of Whatsapp, Instagram and Facebook Messenger came into being. With the integration of Facebook pay, the American social media networking giant has made its presence felt more strongly than ever before.

Now it all comes down to how the new payment system will work!

In its initial phase, Facebook Pay will start rolling out to Facebook and Facebook Messenger this week in the U.S for fundraisers, in-game purchases, event tickets, person to person payments on Messenger and purchases from select pages and businesses. Over time, Facebook Pay will be available to more people and places including for use across Instagram and Whatsapp.

What’s more? With Facebook Pay, users can:

  1. View payment history, manage payment methods and update settings in one place.
  2. Users can add a preferred payment method once, and take the advantage for its availability for use across Facebook apps.
  3. Choose to set up Facebook Pay app-by-app or across apps. This means that Facebook will not automatically set up Facebook Pay across the user’s active apps unless the user chooses to do so.
  4. View payment history, manage payment methods and update settings in one place.
  5. Get real-time customer support via live chat in the U.S.A.
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