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7 Important Reasons To Outsource Your Marketing

7 Important Reasons To Outsource Your Marketing

Outsourcing marketing activities is more than a good decision – it’s a smart one. 
In a world that is ever-evolving, and showing no signs of slowing down,
marketing has followed suit. We are in an era of ‘Marketing is King’.
Hence, the benefits of outsourcing digital marketing and offline
campaign design to experts are endless. However, we’ve got the 7 most
important ones for you. 

Every story has a protagonist, and in the world of business, Marketing is taking that throne
with ease. In the past year, the world has seen a sizable shift in the way in functions.
Everything is online, everyone is online. And this means one thing for brands in every
spectrum – you either buckle up, or go home. 
Digital marketing campaigns have seen a surge, with brands using it to echo their brand
voice. They want to keep this bond with their consumers alive, distance or no distance. In
fact, 24% of marketers planned on increasing their investment in content marketing in 2020
(Source), and 94% of marketers used social media for content distribution (Source). 
So, the question remains. 

In-house vs. Outsourcing Digital Marketing: Who Wins?
Think of it as this massive race that happens every single day, and the audience is the whole
world. In an ocean of top contenders, every brand wants to brave the tide and emerge a
winner. While one can hardly monopolise such a tough chase, the many possibilities for wins
along the way cannot be ignored. 
And let’s be honest – doing all of this in-house can be a nightmare. 
With digital marketing, outsourcing marketing activities for your brand can have umpteen
benefits. Let us lay them out for you: 

  1. Time is Money

Managing the marketing of your brand with an internal team will most probably eat
into your time to do anything else. Executing carefully planned digital marketing
strategies takes weeks of preparation. Sometimes, with so many other tasks at hand,
a brand might end up giving only 80% to their marketing efforts. And to be able to
make an impact on social platforms, 100% effort is necessary. 
A full-stack digital marketing agency in India, for example, would take care of the end-to-
end process. This inturn saves your time, your money, and your peace. Since marketing is
their sole focus, they are more than equipped to get the job done. And you can use this extra
time to figure out more ways to improve your brand’s digital image. 

  1. Leverage the Experts 

Just like you are the expert on your brand, digital marketing agencies are the experts in their
field. They study, analyse, and tackle the market on a daily basis. Building your brand and
helping it evolve is a constant process. And while you work on those aspects, an agency can
take care of your marketing. From conceptualising an idea to materialising it, the benefits of
outsourcing digital marketing are many. 
Imagine a Chef’s Special dish – who can make it better than the chef itself, right? Experts
keep your brand’s best interests in mind, whilst figuring out a game plan that is tailored to
your KPI’s. It’s where creativity and market knowledge come together to create something

  1. A Fruitful Partnership 

When you decide to outsource your marketing activities, you also decide to enter into a
partnership. The right agency will ensure that you get as much a say in every campaign, but
without the tougher stuff. While you collaborate on various levels, they will ensure that your
vision comes to life. In the meantime, they will also add their own flavour of creativity to it. 
And remember, the technicalities don’t take a backseat! We’ll elaborate more about this in
this article, but our point is simple – they understand all aspects of marketing. As you create

apt briefs and decide the direction that your brand can take, a digital marketing agency will
ensure it reaches the destination. And so, both your role and theirs is just as important. 

  1. Skip the Extra Steps 

In the debate between in-house vs. outsourcing digital marketing, the argument is a clear-cut
one. Hiring, building, training, and monitoring an in-house marketing team is never easy.
There are a hundred variables to account for, and a hundred more obstacles to tackle. In
any working machine, it’s important for each part to function optimally. Micro-managing too
many subsidiary teams in your company could eventually lead to chaos. 
And so, by outsourcing marketing activities, you’re skipping the extra steps that could
hamper overall growth. While your partner agency figures out how to reach your marketing
goals, you can focus on creating more goals. 

  1. Market in the Moment

We’re sure the term ‘moment marketing’ isn’t new to you. Living in the moment is the thing of
the past – in today’s age, we join and amplify the moment as well. Trending formats, brand
banters, topical posts – these are only the tip of the iceberg. Real-time marketing involves
dedicating a lot of time to just listening to the internet. Staying up-to-date consistently
requires a lot of effort, time, and intuition. 

The benefits of outsourcing digital marketing include being able to hop on-board easily. Your
agency will ensure that you don’t miss on a ‘moment’ that is relevant to your brand. In turn,
you stay in the purview of your audience, and stay relevant as a brand too. 

  1. Keeping Ideas Fresh 

As much as you might be thinking within the universe of your brand at all times, it does not
always yield the best results. In a competitive market, ideation is a major amplifier in itself.
When you ideate on a regular basis, and brainstorm on fresh ideas, your brand benefits the
most. Now, with agencies, these brainstorming sessions are a key part of the process. 
Keeping ideas fresh is a digital marketing agency’s forté, one that you can rely on. So,
instead of having to ideate with a limited number of perspectives, you can broaden the
possibilities. Let an expert team do that job for you and give you a good set of ideas to
choose from. Outsourcing marketing activities is a smart choice! 

  1. Invest the Right Way 

If you’re thinking “Isn’t outsourcing marketing activities an additional cost?”, you’re not
wrong. It definitely shows up as an additional cost on your balance sheet. However, we’d like
to give you a different take on it. 

Sometimes, an expense is actually an investment. 
Speaking strictly cost-wise, hiring even 2 industry experts as full-time team members can
cost a lot. For the same cost, you could hire an entire team of industry experts on a retainer
or contract basis. You can set the scope of work, formulate a way forward, and create both
fixed and variable assets with absolute ease. Therefore, your overhead costs reduce in the
long-term, while your ROI shoots up.

Time waits for no one, and neither does marketing! 
The past few years have yielded some of the best marketing campaigns ever seen. There
are enough benefits of outsourcing digital marketing to a competent agency, but we hope the
above pointers encompass the important ones! 
And, remember what we said about chaos? Well, you could also choose to turn the tables
and leverage this chaos by getting in touch with us. We don’t just tick off all of the reasons
stated above, but also deliver on exactly what we promise. After all, some of the best digital
marketing campaigns are born from stellar agency-brand partnerships. 
We’re ready to partner with you, and just a click away. 

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