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Steel yourself Foremost Websites Trends for 2020 is Out!

Steel yourself – Foremost Websites Trends for 2020 is Out!

Spying on finding new web development trends to sharpen your knowledge? Or looking for some latest news in the development biosphere to stay abreast of the rising race?

Here are a few digital marketing services.   2019 had huge apprises and changes which have become the standards now. Features like UI animation, 3D product preview, are mandate features for any web designer. From AR, AI, and responsive design technologies, 2020 has a lot more for us.

Here is a list of trends you’ll need to be ready for in the upcoming year to bring your website to the next level:

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) – Speed up to 10 Times

42% of users leave a website outright if the load times are longer than 10 seconds

Page loading is directly proportional to the website bounce rate. People exit your site if they have to wait for it to load too long. Accelerated Mobile Page, or AMP can improve the performance and clarity of your website by touting an upsurge in speeds by 10x! So, make sure that this is the priority while your website development is being done.

Progressive Web Pages (PWA)– Faster and Reliable

Beholding forward to progressive times, particularly, when there is a requirement for building websites and native applications, Progressive Web Pages are something that has already won fame. Currently, where User Experience (UX) has become a predominant part of web development, PWA’s are reliable, fast and deliver an excellent user experience. Flipkart, the E-commerce giant is already an efficacious example that has gotten huge revenues through conversions.

Know more benefits of PWA for website Development.

AI for Content Curation Process

Content is and will always be the ruler. This time the Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms will soon take over the content curation process from editors in order to better match content with the end user. While the content writing process won’t change in terms of research, writing, and optimization, the quality of the write-up is one of the most important criteria in Page Quality rating. Original, precise, all-inclusive, clearly communicated, professionally presented content shall be the core.

Users will have a much easier time finding pertinent content than ever before due to AI. AI content curation will effectually disregard unsolicited, uninteresting or unappealing content from a user’s browsing experience; though they shall be seen on your website.

Full GDPR Compliance Websites

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been in effect and Web development sector and it is not an option. The European internet policy is now a standard for all web-based services which operate on the continent in any volume.

Chatbots for Quick Interactions

Social media & messaging apps have furthered web interactivity. Native chatbot support is now a popular medium to interrelate as it offers quick interaction and can address user queries. Chatbots offer endless implementation possibilities that can be used to enhance your visitors’ experience in 2020 and beyond.

This is one of the most important criteria in the Page Quality rating. Original, precise, all-inclusive, clearly communicated, professionally presented content shall be the core.
Users will have a much easier time finding pertinent content than ever before due to AI.

AI content curation will effectually disregard unsolicited, uninteresting, or unappealing content from a user’s browsing experience; though they shall be seen on your website.

In conclusion

Some of these trends seem like obvious necessities. Building an excellent website that will stand out in the marketplace as well as be favored by Google is what is important. So why wait – see what suits your needs and keep implementing!

Happy developing!

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