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10 Campaign Inspirations for World Water Day 2022

10 Campaign Inspirations for World Water Day 2022

March 22 is celebrated as World Water Day. Water as a natural resource has enormous complex value in our lives, in the life of animals and in the ecosystem. It is an irreplaceable value. Hence there is a special day to make people realize the importance of it. 

This year the UN will be stressing on educating people about underground water. It is a reserve that you cannot see, but it’s there holding fresh water that is very important for survival. Let’s take a look at how brands have survived World Water Day in the past with their creative ideas.

1) Flow Guard Plus

Leaking pipes, faucets, faulty water systems are some of the major ways we can waste precious water. World Water Day was the perfect time for Flow Guard – the pioneers in plumbing systems to start a campaign and encourage more plumbers to take their skill a notch up. The brand via Flow Guard Plus – a plumbing education app, did their bit on this day by commemorating the ‘water heroes’ of our time who have created and managed different water restoration projects. Kudos to them!

2) HDFC Bank

HDFC Bank has compared water to wealth. Yes! We do need to treat water like we treat our money. We need to keep it safe and use it wisely. Many times we tend to leave the water running while applying soap on our hands. This act has increased even more during COVID times. It’s a good thing that HDFC reminds us to turn the tap off though their post on World Water Day.

3) VIBGYOR Group of Schools

Parents want to make sure their kids are learning in a good institution that has a unique vision that they can relate too. They are concerned about their child’s future not just from an educational point of view but from an environmental standpoint. World Water Day is the perfect opportunity for educational institutions to bring out their ideologies and values when it comes to the environment. This is a video beautifully made by the kids themselves of VIBGYOR Group of schools.

4) Harbour City

A mall brand called Harbour City in Hong Kong, also used the opportunity to make their fans aware of World Water Day. It’s a creative that also represents that time is running out and the earth is thirsting for water, so we should not waste it.

5) Astral Pipes and Adhesives

Emotion is a very big element used in this advertisement. Astral Pipes and Adhesives created this ad campaign using emotions like happiness, sadness and finally pride to connect to the people of India on World Water Day. The ad displayed the generosity of this company via its charity organization Astral Foundation. Creating a new space in the hearts of consumers in spite of it being a B2B brand. Well done!

6) Pepsi Nigeria

This was the perfect chance for Pepsi to talk about its product Aquafina from the purity standpoint. Their post which emphasizes the drop, tells Nigeria that they are the symbol of clean drinking water on World Water Day.

7) Colgate

Sometimes big brands do best when they keep it simple. Like this ad campaign for instance. Turning the ad upside down makes your target audience interact with your ad while you communicate a very strong message to them. Here Colgate asks people to turn the ad and read it which is similar to turning the tap off while brushing your teeth. This ad is meaningful in every way.

8) Italica Tiles

Some shield themselves with an umbrella. Others invert it. Both use the same umbrella for different reasons. Water is a jewel! Italica Tiles has rightly expressed how precious this natural resource is by showing an inverted umbrella with a tap. Way to go for this idea.

9) Brindhavan

Can a restaurant elevate its personality on world water day? The answer is yes! Being a family restaurant the brand took a step towards making families realize how life could be different for their generations to come and urge them to act now.

10) Al Ain Zoo

Creativity is about taking familiar situations and turning them into something extraordinary. This is what Al Ain Zoo did with not just one print ad but  several for World Water Day. Apart from a lion, they also used a tree and a human being in the same fashion. Message received!

There are enormous ways for brands to make a difference to the planet on World Water Day with the power of media and CSR activities. Yet not many approach this day with a deep plan of action. As you have seen in the creatives above, brands no matter small or big have great potential to create an impression on themselves on this day. So we hope you are all prepared to make a splash this time for World Water Day!

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