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5 Customer Engagement Metrics For Your Social Media Company

5 Customer Engagement Metrics For Your Social Media Company

In today’s socially driven economy, customer engagement can be considered as the biggest indicator of your brand’s success. Brands these days are taking enormous steps to delight their customers. People appreciate and notice the companies that care for their customers and that contributes to the overall profitability for your brand. They become regular customers or share your product with their friends and relatives. If your brand isn’t getting customer engagement, then it’s a sign. Your social media company needs to come up with new social media strategies.

The following are the most famous metrics to consider which can help your social media company to understand customer engagement on the brand page:

1) Comments, Shares, and Likes on Social Media Platforms

Comments, Shares, and Likes on Social Media Platforms the most important

According to statistics, 71% of customers who had a positive experience with a particular brand are likely to recommend your brand to other people. These are the common points to consider while checking for customer engagement on social media:
Like/React/Share on the post, comments whether positive/negative and Direct messages

2) Net Promoter Score (NPS)

NPS - Net promoter score explains how likely is your brand recommended
NPS is considered as one of the favorite customer experience metrics among the Nordic Companies. About two-thirds of all the companies are using it to understand the customer experience with their companies. This process is simple for customers to answer and easy for brands to track. All the top companies from Apple, Amazon, Airbnb to Tesla, use NPS.

3) Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

CSAT score refers to how content your customers are with your brand.
CSAT score refers to how content your customers are with your brand. In this process, the brands directly ask the customer to rate their satisfaction with the products and services. It has different forms and measures for scaling, but the most common one is a scale from 1 to 5.

4) First Time Response

Number of minutes/hours elapsed since the customer registered a complaint or query.

Google and Facebook are the most popular brands to start using this method. It often asked the customer after an interaction or transaction to evaluate the efficiency of the customer care department.
Also called the First Reply Time, it is the number of minutes/hours elapsed since the customer registered a complaint or query. Research finds that 59% of the customers are likely to buy the product if their query has been replied to, within an hour.
Many businesses intuitively realize that a fast response is interpretative to their business. It is impactful, for the following reasons – 
  1. It addresses the customer that we have looked into their issues/queries.
  2. It shows concern for your customer.

5) Event/Contest Participation

It’s one of the best courses of action a brand can take to measure.

Many brands organize contests/events from time to time for customer engagement. It’s one of the best courses of action a brand can take to measure. Depending upon your how creative your content is, these are some of the key points to check in a contest:
  1. How many people pop in on your contest
  2. Number of people who shared it with their friends/relatives
  3. Total new likes or followers

Customer service is more about satisfying your customers than about increasing your numbers on the page. Getting the right customer engagement is crucial for your brand. It is also important to know the correct way to track customers at the right time. Your brand’s online platform should be approachable and friendly. This should be the only aim when you measure and track your brand’s engagement metrics.

We at Mindstorm, a Hybrid Digital Marketing Agency In Mumbai, offer a 360 – degree transformation to your brand. We also offer an internal customer support team with a constant Online Reputation Management plan.
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