Celebrated on the 5th of June, here are some of the most creative ideas for world environment day that can inspire your environmental social media campaigns this year.
Many countries are living in their hottest months as you read this blog. Just like global health, our planet is not in a very good state. Our wetlands, forests and animal species including marine life are disappearing faster than ever! Intensification of farming, climate change and pollution of air, water and land are more than enough reasons for humans to start being proactive about saving the environment in both simple and complex ways. The protocol right now is – do what you can in your own way wherever you are. And as people and world organizations feel responsible towards our planet, brands have stepped in too with creative ideas for world environment day. Why not? What better time to display their human side with the help of social media or influencer marketing agencies in Mumbai.
World environment day marketing ideas:
1. TenTree
This sustainable clothing brand came up with a campaign to plant a tree for every ten outfits sold. This is inspiring as it did attract celebrities like Justin Bieber, Cristiano Ronaldo, and Ariana Grande. So Earth Week, Environment Day and other green days are important for this brand. This post literally jumps out of the feed and forces you to click. The final post also featured a second slide. When a viewer swiped they would see a video showing them how many trees the world had lost in the seconds they had been viewing the post.

2. World Wildlife Fund, India
With most of us living in urban environments, we forget how other species play a major role in our survival. Generally humans walk free and the animals are the ones in the cages. This thought came to all our minds often. But who would have thought that an amalgamation of all the animal clips would make a good campaign idea for WWF India.
3. Fevikwik
We can reuse so many things that we plan to throw away. Fortunately, this adhesive brand gives out a clear message to reduce, reuse and recycle. Pheko nahi, jodo! This idea is so relatable and might make people stop in their tracks. Wouldn’t you think of Fevikwik whenever you break something?
We swear by the Holy Treenity for the environment: Repair, Reuse and Recycle#WorldEnvironmentDay#Fevikwik #PhenkoNahiJodo pic.twitter.com/VG7oX3CmXF
— Fevikwik (@Fevikwik_tweets) June 5, 2021
4. Trees For Cities
Even though it is a given that this NGO’s sole purpose is to plant trees, they have managed to make the audience stop and think about the future. A miniature swing or a miniature club house in a small plant is both cute and genius. Brands that have to do with kids or furniture or even the outdoors could consider recycling this idea into something better for their own brands and for the environment.
5. Decathlon
Apart from taking a step for the good of the planet, brands that associate with sustainability are twice as likely to be recalled by people. But if your brand has nothing to do with sustainability it is important to put yourself out there on World Environment Day. Decathlon is a sports brand that encourages its fans to play it safe and preserve the earth for the future. Part of their campaign also involved turning off the lights at their stores and they encouraged homes and offices to do so as well.

6. Apple
This ad was not intended for people but for rival companies. Be it rivalry with another brand or just plain concern for the environment, this tech giant manages to do it well. Apple encourages other companies to do things that benefit everyone, especially what is right for the environment.

Hope these inspiring and creative ideas for environment day helped you put your thinking cap back on.
Loved this list or want to add to it? If you are looking to connect with a social media marketing agency in Mumbai, give us a shout at aniketh@mindstorm.in.