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4 Reasons To Use Memes To Promote Your Brand

4 Reasons To Use Memes To Promote Your Brand

Get a brief insight on memes – a funny way to engage with your audience on social media. Understand why and how to use memes for your marketing campaigns. Get familiar with some of the most popular memes till date.

What is a meme?

A meme is a human emotion that is expressed via visual and text. The visual is mostly the scenario or the expression of the character, while the text is the commentary. Although the meme keeps evolving or changing as people use them, the essence of the idea or the emotion attached to it remains the same. This creative actually becomes a meme when it connects with a huge number of people and goes viral on social media. 

History of memes:

According to some sources, memes date back to 3 BC. While the word meme was coined by Richard Dawkins, a biologist… The word ‘meme’ characterized how living things mutate, imitate and evolve. We take the good things, and leave what doesn’t appeal to us behind. Our culture and ideas are contagious this way and that is why they survive. The idea of a meme in today’s world works the same way.

4 Reasons to Use Memes to promote your brand

Now you might constantly be thinking… ‘Should I use memes as part of my brand’s content strategy or not…’ Yes! Seriously. Memes should be a part of your plan. They are a marketing strategy in itself. But we’ll tell you how to use memes for your marketing campaigns as well. But first, let’s figure out the use of memes to promote your brand. Once you understand this you can ask your digital marketing agency in India to help you with the same. Here are 4 reasons why to start ‘meme marketing’:

Reason #1: Anyone can create a meme:

It’s literally inexpensive to create memes as there are plenty of apps and sites available for the same. While people forward or use a meme that has already been used, it is always advisable for brands to be original in their approach. You may use a meme for its emotion and you can have fun with it. But what you portray should never stray away from your brand personality or values. This is still the easy part. The hard part is coming up with a relatable caption.

Reason #2: Memes travel faster than light:

This means that you will receive a lot of shares on your meme. Your brand gains more visibility. 

While this is a good thing when it comes to meme marketing, you have to make sure that your meme is done right. Therefore for brands, it’s always advisable to start with common and simpler memes. Memes which you cannot go wrong with. Some memes have a political connection. While some need to be checked by your legal team before use for copyright issues. When it comes to brands it’s also nice to be the trendsetter in your niche or even outside it, and create something worth sharing.

Reason #3: Memes keep your brand human

Of course! Every brand has a wonderful personality of its own. But in the case of some brands it seldom shows. Memes help keep your brand alive and kicking. Your target audience definitely wants to know the brand it loves and make a connection with it. Memes help here. It also keeps the conversation between your brand and your followers a little light. Memes help your brand steer away from the topic of ‘myself’ for a while and share a genuine laugh or a smile with your users. They help you bond with them.

Reason #4: Memes keep your brand in the moment

When your followers realize that your brand is singing the same tune or can understand the same memes they do, they feel proud to associate with your brand and interact with your brand even more on social media. Memes bring your brand to the present. They make your brand image seem contemporary. The fact that you ‘just get them’ can do a lot. Posting a meme at the right time is the key and not after the fizz has died out.

How to use memes for your marketing campaigns

If you are currently in the stage of revamping your digital marketing strategy, and wish to add a fun content bucket to your plan, you could consider these 

ways to use memes in your digital marketing campaigns.

1.Use memes to entertain 

Avoid using memes to talk explicitly about your products and services. There are multiple campaign objectives you can directly fulfill with memes, but sales is not one of them. 

2.Get instant feedback

You can easily understand if your meme has not worked. While this could bring down page engagement if not done carefully, your audience’s reaction to your meme tells you a lot about them. You can use this feedback to perfect your next idea.

3.Realize who you are

People like a brand that admits itself. That approaches life with a pinch of salt. They need to know that you are cool and approachable too. Nothing can stop a brand from getting into meme marketing. Not even if the brand is 20 years old. So start bridging the gaps with your customers with humor via memes. 

4.Stay professional

It’s not that you have to break every rule in your brand book to get into meme marketing. As a brand, you are expected to keep your rules. Stick to your identity and yet create a meme that stands out. This is what people find interesting.

Famous memes that you might have come across.

In case you do not plan to use memes to promote your brand, I would highly recommend that you go through these because they are worth the laugh…











If you liked this blog, I also recommend that you explore explainer videos to find out how they can work out well for your business too. And if you are looking for help with meme marketing and other social media marketing services in Mumbai we can help no matter where you are. 

Happy Meming!

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