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Rise Of The Machines In The Digital Marketing Space.

Rise Of The Machines In The Digital Marketing Space.

This article was first written in 2012 by Aniketh Dsouza on Social Samosa and reached 200,000 people in less than 24 hours. The purpose of this article was to identify something in the Digital Marketing sphere. What most Social Media & Digital Marketing Executives should know before they join a Digital agency or look for a job change. I have off late been insisting Digital Marketing executives have these words on a sticky note at their desks at all times.


Here’s something that can help you understand better:

Important aspects of digital marketing are content creation, response management, marketing execution, digital reputation management.

In Digital Marketing, you are bogged down by many activities. These are content creation, response management, marketing execution, and digital reputation management.
Marketing teaches you a lot but from another perspective, you are a part of a bigger machine.
Humans, on the other hand, enjoy work. They do. No, I’m not talking about those digital workaholics. I’m talking about people who love what they do. The reason they love what they do is that they have a purpose, a cause. When it comes to marketing, their purpose is to learn for themselves. It is the same with Digital Marketing. These humans (in the social media space) are the ones who use Digital Marketing “brands” to learn for themselves. By doing so, it wouldn’t matter to them which marketing brand they get to handle.
HELP ME! Tell me what do I do now? I want to be human Again.

As with all rules that apply to Marketing, first we need to identify the problem. Then we need to answer it. 

The main cause of why you are feeling the way you are is because you have become dependent on someone else for execution. Digital Marketing doesn’t work like that. Let me break this down for you.

Let’s get started with Digital Marketing Basics.

You have become dependent: You realize that someone up there is always available to help you when you have to face a problem. That’s not good for your future in Digital Marketing. A Human believes in himself to find answers. He thinks, evaluates the problem. He never gives up searching for answers. Many simply ‘Google’ their marketing problems.

You are scared to make mistakes. You always depend on a superior which implies that you shift your responsibility onto the superior. A Human learns from his mistakes. That’s what Digital Marketing is about.

You are unwilling to experiment: Digital Marketing is all about experimentation. You don’t want to evaluate anything new for yourself and depend on someone else to do it for you. The person who does it, is the Human.

You have put on your digital blinders. It seems you focus only on marketing aspects that matter to your brand. You are not ready to explore new Digital Marketing projects that are beyond its scope.
Humans are modern day digital explorers. They don’t care what source they get to learn from; they are always hungry. If you want to find success in digital marketing, stay hungry, stay ambitious.
  1. You restrain from learning something new just because you have not been assigned the tasked. Humans ask their superior to involve them in newer project so that they get to learn something new in marketing.
  2. You do not reason anymore: You now follow orders without asking a question back to your superior. You seem to be no longer interested in know why you are doing, what you are doing? Humans crave to seek the reasoning from their superiors before executing an activity. In Digital Marketing, you need to be a leader, not just a follower.
  3. You are a copycat: You focus on copying a digital campaign blindly without reasoning. Humans steal concepts rather than blindly copying them, map them with their audience and create an irresistibly new Marketing campaign which earns them credit
  4. You have preferences: You say you can focus on managing a few brands better than other brands because you are interested in them. Humans don’t have preferences, they can adapt simply because they can & have learned for themselves.

I’d like to repeat again what I initially insisted. (Place this marketing quote as a sticky note, will ya?)

Learn for yourself, not for the brands you manage. 

When you have succeeded in doing this, you will have to overcome the fear of turning into a marketing robot at your workplace. You’ll hopefully also be one step closer to being a Digital Marketing expert. This will enable you to grow rapidly in your organization. The field of Digital Marketing is undergoing rapid changes everyday. There are new Digital media platforms on the rise daily, each with their unique marketing trends.
They are Digital Marketing platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Snapchat, LinkedIn etc.
Do you need help leveraging the chaos in the Digital Marketing sphere? Reach out to us, we are Mindstorm. A Hybrid Digital Marketing agency in Mumbai , Mindstorm resonates the same thought process. Self-learning and self improvisation is always a stepping stone to digital marketing success.
Read more on Digital Marketing tips and tricks via our blogs.
The field of marketing is dynamic and full of changes, contact us, and we’ll help you navigate it!

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