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7 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Website

7 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Website

Did you know that “There are 4.66 billion internet users in the world today? In the past 12 months, almost 875,000 new users joined each day”. This implies that more than half of the world is already connected to the internet. Now think about you as a business, missing out on this large chunk of potential customers. Scary, right?

Moreover, the Internet has dramatically changed purchasing habits of customers. A report by the eCommerce foundation suggests that 88% of consumers search for a product online before buying in-store. So, regardless of whether your business is benefitting from an eCommerce website or not, you need to have a digital presence to stay competitive. 

Today, everything has shifted to online platforms, you name it and you will be able to find it online. Whether it’s a beauty product, a toy, or even a robot! Apart from showcasing products, a website efficiently supports all your digital marketing needs and helps reach a larger audience. Not just it, there are endless possibilities that you can take advantage of by taking your business online.

So, hold on and keep scrolling through the article to know the top seven reasons for you to build a professional website for your business.

1) A Website creates the first impression for your brand, make sure you do it right!

What visitors catch sight of will ultimately shape their perception of your business. “Buyers make most decisions by relying on their two-second first impressions based on stored memories, images, and feelings. -Malcolm Gladwell”. Whether you are a locally established business or a multinational company, there’s a high probability that buyers are exploring your business online before they come in. Hence it becomes quintessential to maintain your online presence. And websites are the best way to do so. From enlisting your products and services to answering the FAQs to communicating the brand message, a website offers everything your customers need. 


The above-mentioned statistics focus on the importance of having a professional website built correctly and precisely. But, if the website is unattractive and lacks easy navigation, you are losing out on your potential customers even though your business offers quality services. Furthermore, a survey by Business 2 Community shows that 94% of people stated that web design is the top reason that they mistrust or reject a website. We are sure, you don’t want to miss the opportunity of creating your brand’s first impression. Luckily, we at Mindstorm offer professional web design and development assistance to help you build the most amazing website. You can connect with us at  ANIKETH@MINDSTORM.IN

2)A website helps build credibility for your business

Wondering how a website can help you build credibility? Well, the answer lies in the type of content you share on your website. A website offers you an opportunity to share the brand’s success stories, customer testimonials, insights about your products/services, your company’s vision and mission statement, etc. Such content makes your brand stand out from the crowd and opens doors for building consumer trust. Apart from that, if your website is sharing educational content that is adding value to your customer’s life, they will visit your website frequently. The valuable information you share through your website will gradually foster customer loyalty and build consumer trust in your brand. 

3) A website provides social proof for your brand 

Websites serve as an exceptional tool to showcase your products/ services and the benefits they offer. Consumers often check product applications online before they make a purchase decision. Besides, customer testimonials, ratings, and reviews, serve as a buying guide for your customers and highly influence purchase decisions. In a study, 92% of people said that they read testimonials when considering a purchase. A further 88% of consumers said that they trusted these reviews just as much as personal recommendations. A website can help your business put forth customer experiences and hence will drive interest in the minds of your potential customers. 

4) A website opens opportunities for marketing 

When talking about the usability of a website in the arena of digital marketing, it is a highly important aspect to consider. Because whatever piece of advertisement you put on the internet it will redirect your customer to the company’s website. You might be using any technique to drive online traffic but without a website, it’s impossible to garner desired results. 

Moreover, if you wish to take your business to a broader customer base, then having a website is highly recommended. The online presence will pave the way for your business to attract customers from all over the world. Whatever content you share on your website or the services you provide if someone is looking for the same, your website will show up. Even if your business is not investing in online paid ads, with an effective content marketing plan you can market your products and services to generate leads. 

Employing a strategic and search engine optimized content marketing strategy for your website will help your business grow organically and reach targeted audiences. Further, your product description, demonstration, user guides, etc…need a place to reside where it’s accessible for customers looking for it. So, you can put all the relevant information about your product/service on your company’s website and attract potential customers. 

5) A website helps increase sales 

Sales is the lifeline and one of the key success ingredients of any business. You cannot have a company up and running if you don’t sell enough. With help of a professional website, you can reach your prospects and generate qualified leads. A well-designed and informative website speaks volumes than a traditional advertisement. It works as a guide throughout the buyer’s journey and influences purchase decisions. With help of search engine optimization, you can direct customers to specific pages on your website and provide them with what they are looking for.  

89,363 Google searches are made every one second. And whether you believe it or not, people are already searching for your product or service. There’s no better way to reach your target market than having a professional website. A website performs as your best salesman, who is available around the clock to speak of your product or service. Thus, expanding your sales territory and availability at any time of the day. Make your website your salesperson!

6) A website allows you to analyze customer behavior

Tracking customer behavior will widen the opportunity for your business to enhance the customer experience. Today, businesses are leveraging the power of AI and machine learning to provide customers with personalized services. It helps businesses understand buying habits and influence purchase decisions. Analyzing customer behavior will also help your business gather insights about different aspects of the buyer’s journey. Empowering your business to build products and services that your customers actually want. 

With help of a website analytics tool, you will be able to determine what works best for you and your customers. For instance, you can track a customers’ interaction levels with your website, demographic data, page per visit, bounce rate, etc. With help of key metrics, your business can track what a customer is looking at, what their needs are and improvise accordingly. You can use tools like Google Analytics, Google Trends, Social Rank, etc. A business cannot exist without customers, so it becomes essential to keep a track of your customer’s behavior to survive in the marketplace. 

7) You need a website because….

  1. Studies show that 36% of people trust a company more if they see a website.
  2. 60% of smartphone users have contacted a business directly using the search results such as the “click to call” option on their websites. 
  3.  “Where to buy” + “near me” mobile queries have grown by over 200% in the past two years. 
  4. 70%  of consumers learn about a company through their website blog rather than ads.
  5. Nearly 90% of people use the internet to find local businesses.
  6. 8 out of 10 customers are likely to engage with your business if it has a website
  7. Your competitors already have a website! 

Bottom Line

We cannot overemphasize the importance of having a website for your business to stay relevant and exist in today’s marketplace. When trivial tasks like grocery shopping have shifted online, it’s inevitable that you have a website for your business. Without a website, it’s impossible to reach your target customers and stay competitive because a majority of businesses are already online. 

If you are serious about your business, you need a website that works like a magnet to attract your customers. For helping businesses like yours, we at Mindstorm offer professional web design and development assistance to put your resources to the best use. Our team helps businesses reap the highest possible returns and maintain their online presence. Connect with us at  ANIKETH@MINDSTORM.IN!

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