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BNP Paribas Case Study

BNP Paribas – Case Study
BNP Paribas : Case Study

Forbes India Sustainable Changemakers championed by BNP Paribas

How BNP Paribas partnered with Forbes India in raising awareness about climate change being a critical issue in building a sustainable future.

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Organic Impressions
1000 +
Organic Engagements
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The aim was to bring Government, Policy Makers, Institutions, Corporates and Individuals under one roof where they can share and discuss ideas on building a sustainable future.


Creating a Social Media content strategy that engaged both the external stakeholders and internal corporates


We were the team behind the creation of pre, during and post creatives for the event. The creatives designed by us targeted towards Institutional, corporate, HNWIs, C-suite Sustainable, Finance & Innovation opinions leaders, Journalists, new age media & sustainability bloggers. Also, the BNP Paribas employees.

During the pre-phase to build up the communication of the event, posts related to awareness of climate change were suggested. Few other posts that were created were to create the buzz around the event itself. The platforms for display of the creatives were External: Twitter and Linkedin and Internal: Emailers, Standees and Popups.

On the day of the event we recorded bites of the delegates to make a post event video along with the snippets of the speakers who discussed the topic of the event; climate change. We created templates handy to put up images of the panel as and when the event was live.

For the post-phase we delivered quotes and an entire event covered film. We also conducted an internal contest that helped the employees learn and come up with their strategies on water scarcity as this was the topic for their upcoming event’s topic.


With successful planning and execution of the event on Climatic Change, we were awarded to take up their next sustainability event on Water Scarcity. That had the similar plan of action other than the contest.

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