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Vijay Sales Influencer Marketing Campaign (Hyderabad)

Vijay Sales – Influencer Marketing Campaign (Hyderabad)
Influencer Marketing Case Study

Vijay Sales- Influencer Marketing Campaign (Hyderabad)

How to Increase Brand Awareness on Social Media & Generate Buzz around Vijay Sales entering a new market- Hyderabad.

Lifestyle Influencers
0 k+
Target Audience Reached
0 k+


Establish Visibility for Vijay Sales in Hyderabad through relevant Influencers


Finding relevant influencers with a wide set of audience across Hyderabad to increase footfall in stores.


We derived great results from this campaign through high number of page followers and increased engagement through the influencers.
We achieved our campaign goal by increasing brand awareness & attracting a higher footfall to the newly opened stores.
The influencers were given their own specialised coupon code that their viewers could use while shopping in the stores. This allowed us to track the performance of each influencer & understand what worked best.
We succeeded in our objective of generating buzz about the brand in Hyderabad, amongst locals.

Let's get you started

Cross promote your product across platforms
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