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How to create an effective lead generation strategy for your business?

How to create an effective lead generation strategy for your business?

In the perfect world, business would grow year-on-year generating steady sales, healthy revenues, bottom lines and garnering paying customers. But this business utopia isn’t a reality yet! Because markets are changing, dynamics are changing, and the customer is changing!

One of the biggest challenges faced by almost 80% of B2B or B2C businesses is – acquiring the right customer. We’ve encountered sales teams chasing leads from every corner of the earth. We’ve had entrepreneurs, start-ups and organisations asking us for an effective lead generation strategy that will churn customers through the business cycle. And each time our teams convey the same message. It is not one strategy or anyone leads generation tactic that will rope in customers for your business.

In fact, the most effective lead generation strategy is a collaborative effort of several lead generation tactics, done over a sustained period of time.

Reports indicate that 60% of consumers research everything online, even basic daily essentials. Costs? Product review? Experience? Availability? Where to buy? How to use? Who used it? JUST GOOGLE IT! Chances are your priced lead and customer is at this moment researching your product, service or business online.

This means your business needs an efficient and productive digital marketing strategy for lead generation!

Your business also needs a dedicated team that drives an effective lead generation strategy and works towards maximizing several lead generation tactics. Being a digital marketing agency, we understand the nuances of an effective digital marketing strategy to generate leads. We understand that no one business model is the same. Therefore, the need to customize lead generation strategies from one business to another.

Customers today are widespread and inundated with information and advertising messages online. As your digital partners, our teams of professionals work on sourcing qualified leads for your business amidst this chaos. Each team is proficient in different online lead generation tactics; creating an efficient lead generation strategy for your business.

How do you start creating an effective digital marketing strategy for lead generation?

First, we define the target audience and build a digital roadmap. Together, with the sales and marketing teams, we define who is a qualified lead. With defined parameters of the target customers, we set out a list of objectives for lead generation. The customer life cycle and buying journey of your product or service determine these objectives. It could range from new visitors to your business website, to mobile app downloads or engaging customers after-sale, encouraging repeat purchases, and more.

But the main objective of any digital marketing strategy still stands – generate new leads that can be converted into a customer!

Most lead generation strategies start out with a digital road map and a few major objectives:

  1. Generate traffic to the business website. This creates brand awareness about your product, service and idea among the target audience defined.
  2. Convert this traffic into leads. Ensuring all those website visitors on your website want to purchase your product or avail your service. This defines them as potential and qualified leads.
  3. Convert these leads to final customers. Encouraging a buying action and closing the deal online.

Depending on which objective we define, a comprehensive mix of effective lead generation tactics are implemented to achieve business objectives.

Let’s look at a few effective lead generation tactics under each objective that we can implement as your digital marketing agency today.

Generate traffic to the business website. Reaching your target audience online.

1) Build mobile friendly websites –

The first thing every business must absolutely have is a website. Your website is the first impression to your audiences and your audience is busy on their mobile phones.

Design your website to ensure that the experience is user-friendly. Your customers have immediate access to your star products and should understand what you offer and what you do.

Clean design, easy navigation and quick speed is a basic checklist for a mobile friendly website.

2) SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) –

Your website must have an ongoing SEO exercise which makes your website visible to Google! A few basics to ensure your website is generating leads through SEO are:

  • using the right keywords,
  • good content about your business,
  • and optimizing your website pages.

3) Social Media Paid Ads Campaigns –

As a social media marketing agency, we advocate keeping a set media budget for social media paid campaigns. Facebook allows businesses to run targeted lead generation ads to a defined audience. Instagram and story ads, LinkedIn ads and twitter lead generation card allows your business to reach a wider audience.

4) Google Ads –

Google is a rich lead platform since the world is searching on Google. Google offers businesses to run targeted ads to a predefined set of audiences with well-defined objectives. As performance marketers, we recommend a healthy mix of what Google has to offer. A mix of Search Engine Marketing (SEM) campaigns, Pay-Per-Click Campaigns, and Google Display advertising to drive customers to your website. Convert this traffic into leads. Giving your target audience a taste of your business.

5) Lead Magnets –

Lead magnets are an excellent lead generation tool. The idea is to offer website visitors (potential leads) a small bit of your business offering in return of their information (email address, number). Businesses can use this information to follow up with the lead and qualify them or convert the customer. This could be free information such as – free e-books, consultation sessions, free research excerpt. It could also be a free experience such as – free trials, free demos, webinars and more. But once they’ve signed up, where do you drive them to?

6) Landing Page –

You drive them to a landing page. A landing page is a custom-design web page to capture leads from your Google Ads, social media ads and lead magnets. This web page is NOT the same as your main business website. Landing pages are an effective digital marketing tool to capture potential customers and leads into your sales funnel. Design your landing page to showcase 3 – 4 key highlights of your business or product. This ensures your potential customers are engaged with your landing page and want to know more.

7) Retargeting to the audiences –

With smart lead magnets and structured landing pages, businesses have now captured potential leads. Drive these leads to purchase or download or choose your business by targeted marketing messages. Google retargeting allows businesses to reconnect with potential customers with recall advertising messages. Ask us how to create an interesting retargeting campaign, so that your website visitor never forgets you! Convert these leads to final customers.

8) Trip Wire –

A trip wire is a discount or low-priced, one-time offer that helps your customers take one more step to try out your product. Think of it as a sample – potential customers test your product and you get a chance to connect and convert them. Use a lead magnet to drive your potential lead to your landing page and convert them to customers with an interesting tripwire. Such as – Book this $99 spa-session at only $10!

9) Email Marketing –

With contact information of several potential leads, businesses can run interesting and systematic email marketing campaigns. You could do educational and informational emails to sales-driven emails to your potential customers.

10) Content Marketing-

To be the best, businesses need to sound the best. This is where content marketing plays a big role in shaping what your business means online. Customers have a lot of information available online and that information influences buying behavior. Customers love reading blogs with tips and tricks, how-to guides about products, watching DIY videos and such. Businesses that offer engaging content on their websites and social media, establish themselves as experts in the industry.

An effective digital marketing strategy for lead generation cannot be a one-time effort. Garnering high-quality leads is mix and match of strategies, tactics and budgets – there is no standard strategy template of success. Some start-up businesses may need more digital marketing budgets; whereas some may need to be driven by content marketing.

We’d love to help your business generate leads with digital marketing solutions. Give us a shout at –

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