Even the best Instagram strategy needs review and a check in with its followers. Feedback is probably the most important link in the communication chain to understand what your makes your followers tick. Are you achieving the goals you set? Yes? What’s working? NO? What’s not? And Instagram is the perfect platform to ask questions, generate feedback and learn trends.
With 200 million users checking brands on Instagram every day, it has become a platform that engages with audiences and allows real customer feedback. Build your Instagram followers, engage you’re your followers and build a brand loyal community of IG-ers. Here’s a few things you can do to collect customer feedback on Instagram.
Ask a question!
1. Ask in your Instagram Post
Yup, who thought it was that simple? Just ask questions in your post itself or in the post caption. And let users share what they think in the comments below. Typically, works well for brands have several products and product ranges.

2. Ask in your Instagram stories
Use the Ask Me a Question Instagram Story Feature.

Letting your audience asking you questions on your policies and products helps build better customer relationships. This feature lets you customize the question and reply to it with a story and response. Switch between asking for reviews, customer feedback or simply be open to answering your followers. Maybe use it to upsell your products or showcase something new.

3. Organize LIVE Q&A sessions
Live Q & A sessions are fantastic for customer feedback. A brand representative can host the live Q&A session on Instagram and users can ask questions in the comments. This tool is great to understand what customers think of your new product as well as help them understand your service and product better. Q & A’s also help your brand understand market needs, trends and real customer problems with the questions asked by users. Want to make it even more engaging? Collaborate with an influencer or celebrity to drive those Live questions – be it on tech products, skin care or even a plumbing service.

Listening is Everything!
1. Check your DM Inbox
Most customers share their feedback on Instagram and queries with brands through direct messages. The quicker you respond, the better your customer relationships with your followers get. Key customer conversations in your Instagram DM inbox can help make a sale, upsell products, assuage an irate customer and build brand loyalty.After all, Content is King, Design is Queen, Conversation is Sex! Make it a practice to respond to messages in your DM inbox regularly.
2. Check your Instagram Post Comments
With good content comes interesting post comments and feedback. And responding to them promptly can truly create engaging conversations. When followers see brands responding to post comments, they’re encouraged to ask more and share more in the comments. And it’s no secret that comments and likes on Instagram build the Insta Fam and the engagement rate too. Can’t keep up with the comments? Or want to drive truly engaging customer conversations? Consider putting a team together to manage comments on Instagram or getting a good ORM team in place.– Ask us how!

3. Check your brand mentions and tags
Product Companies and services are always getting tagged by consumers on Instagram. Quite often the reality is – they’re complaints. Not all of them are though, customers tag brands in product usage, product reviews and mention brands in stories. Simply go to the tagged feature on the profile to see what customers are saying about your brand. Some of the most honest feedback, comments, posts and innovative ideas are generated by Instagram followers.

4. Repost User feedback on Instagram
And don’t forget to repost these wonderful moments, reviews and pictures on your brand’s Instagram handle. Customers are thrilled when they get featured on Instagram posts and stories. They in turn share it with their own networks, building more brand awareness.

Instagram Stories – FTW!
1. Instagram Story Polls
Use the Instagram stories feature of Polls to gauge audience reactions and get popular votes. From simple Yes / No Polls to This /That Polls, getting customer feedback has never been easier. Such Instagram stories engage audiences, showcase products and may even influence a sale. And if all goes well, you’ll also know what your customer thinks of each product with results.

2. Instagram Story Questions / Quiz
Want to know your customer’s understanding of your product? Run a simple questions quiz on Instagram stories. Instagrammers are always on the lookout for entertainment and love answering quizzes. Give your followers a chance to bond with you and your products or services with a fun brand quiz.

3. Instagram Story Rating Sliders
Rating has been a time-tested feedback methodology and Instagrammers are 4x more receptive to responding to emojis. Using the rating slider in your Instagram stories helps you collect customer feedback quick and in a nutshell. What did your audience think of the new ad? Or latest addition to the product line? Ask them more of what they want to see, and you’ll not be disappointed.
4. Direct Review Requests
Several brands don’t mind being blunt about customer feedback. Give your followers an incentive to share a public review or ask them to tag you in their stories for a repost. Instagram is a platform of sharing content and growing your network. And IGer’s love that action.

While you’re trying to collect customer feedback on Instagram, did you know you can make them entertaining too? Because your stories just got a tune as India just got Instagram music.
We hope these tips have helped you get some ideas on how to get Instagram feedback. Time to put on those thinking caps and start formulating what questions to ask Instagram followers. Or what questions to ask for Instagram poll. And if you’re still unable to plan a customer feedback plan on Instagram, we can help! Just give us a shout at aniketh@mindstorm.in