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How to generate email leads for Digital Marketing using Twitter?

How to generate email leads for Digital Marketing using Twitter?

Any professional in Digital Marketing can tell you, e-mail leads are one of the best tools for conversion. In the era of Digital Marketing, agencies and companies are looking to twitter as a viable resource for generating e-mail leads digitally. Here’s an interesting ‘Subscription’ tool that one can now use on Twitter to boost their Digital Marketing Model.

Discover how Twitter can boost your Digital Marketing game.

The below is what Twitter calls a Lead Generation ‘Card’. It enables any Twitter User to collect an Email Database digitally from his/her followers using Twitter for FREE.
The Card is connected digitally to our Google Spreadsheet that collects & stores all emails collected through this method. The Google Spreadsheet can be used to Send Email Blasts to Subscribed Users. It can be downloaded & added to your existing database for other uses, it’s a highly effective Digital Marketing tool.

Grab your twitter card and also sign up for our insight e-news letter

When a person clicks on Subscribe button above, the user need not to type his/her email. Twitter will automatically send the login email address stored in their account to yours.

How can Brands and Digital Marketers use the above tool?

Creating an Email Subscription List.

  1. Create multiple Twitter Lead Generations cards for digital email lists serving different purposes (F&B List, Hotel Promotions List, Coupon List, Contest Participants list, etc.)
  2. Collecting Emails to subscribe for a Coupon on Products for Digital Marketing promotions.
  3. To ensure you remain consistent with your outreach programs on Twitter. Consistency is key across all marketing activities.
  4. Run a Twitter Ad using the above points to collect email with just a click from targeted users.
There are various new tools & resources being added into the digital domain every day. It’s critical to not simply follow but to also be among the trendsetters in the new technologies and trends in the social media domain. This helps ensure your brand and business thrive. We understand not everyone has the bandwidth or resources to do that.
Just like many, we are sure you weren’t aware of this nifty resource by Twitter to enhance your Digital Marketing setup. This is where Mindstorm comes in! Talk to us about all your marketing concerns, we will do the job for you.
Mindstorm is a Hybrid digital marketing agency and believes in making the most of the ever-evolving Digital Marketing technology in the market.
To set up your own Lead Generation Card, Contact Us 🙂
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