Instagram or Facebook! Which suits your business the best?

Instagram or Facebook! Which suits your business the best?

We are in an age where digital media platforms are taking the advertising & marketing sector by a storm. Digital marketing is the key to reach the right people at the right time in the right way. And Digital Marketing agencies seem to be the way to leverage their potential. Provided one knows how to target the required audience.

If you know the right technique to target your digital marketing business’ audience, you will be the king of digital marketing conversions. Social Media marketing is an integral part of digital marketing. One may get confused which is the right platform for their business to be marketed. Today we are going to talk about the two monarchs of social media marketing – Instagram and Facebook.

Let us see who has what to offer first?


Digital Reach: Instagram has more than 800 million monthly users and 500 million daily social media users. 80% of these users are outside the USA and this proves that the audience is scattered globally. Thus digital marketing business can boost their visibility ideally overseas. Instagram also has more than 1 million active digital advertisers.

Marketing Engagement: Instagram has a high value of digitally engaged users. On average, social media users share more than 100 million photos/ videos/ stories. This equals a total of more than 4.2 billion likes every single day. As per Locowise report in March 2016 Instagram had a total digital engagement of 0.84% total for the month of February. This made it the highest digital marketing engagement platform compared to all other social media platforms.

Marketing Traffic Generation: Visitors from the digital marketing platform of Instagram Spend an average of 192 seconds on the website visited via Instagram. That is 3 minutes more than any other digital marketing platform. In fact visitors from Instagram stay 45% longer than visitors of Facebook and 40% longer than twitter.


Digital Reach: Facebook continues to rule over reach with 2.2 billion monthly active social media users. If you are looking to increase digital visibility then Facebook wins hands-down.

Digital Engagement: It is the second highest audience digital marketing engagement platform. It doesn’t perform as good as Instagram but it is the second highest brand that generates user digital interactions with marketing brands.

Marketing Demographics: Facebook is popular among the adult social media audience more than teenagers and the younger generation. Facebook has 72% social media population which comprises adults. Also Facebook is more popular with females more than males.


Instagram wins the engagement war:

Instagram outperforms Facebook hands down. On an average Facebook reach for a post is 3% that of Instagram.

Example: If Mercedes Benz generated 5717 average monthly likes on Facebook and it generates 84817 likes on Instagram.

Facebook wins over visibility:

With a much larger user base, Facebook not only has authority over Instagram but also acceptance from most age groups. Thus this gives your brand a better opportunity to boost its visibility.

Instagram to reach a younger audience:

Instagram appeals to younger user base. More on the creative side. Instagram is a platform you can play around with different techniques of posting. Also for making your page look aesthetic and attractive.

Facebook for distributing information:

Limitations like sharing links are not found on Facebook. It gives you the freedom to share unlimited links which means links with tons of information. This can be shared with just one click. So if your goal is to distribute informational posts and promote your blog posts, it would be a better option than Instagram.


Depending upon what you are looking for you can choose the right platform to achieve the desired results. Different features and different audiences mean that what works for one brand may not work for another. Thus think about what is the need of your brand? What are the KPIs you wish to achieve from the respective platform and make the most of the best suited platform.

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